How to Overcome Creative Block


Creative block refers to a state of mind where you feel uninspired or unable to come up with new ideas. It can strike anyone, anytime and prevent you from being productive. While creative block can be frustrating, here are a few tips to overcome it.

Take a break

Taking a break can help refresh your mind and gain a new perspective. Do something unrelated to your creative work like going for a walk, exercising, or pursuing a hobby. A break will help relax your mind and boost your creativity.

Do some exercises

Try doing exercises that stimulate your creativity such as brainstorming, freewriting, or mind mapping. Set a time limit and write down any ideas that come to mind without filtering them. These exercises help generate new ideas and uncover the root cause of your blockage.

Seek inspiration

Look for inspiration from diverse sources such as books, blogs, artwork, music, or conversations with people. Exposure to new concepts and ideas can spark your creativity. Try to find connections between different fields of interest and see how they can relate to your work.


Overcoming creative block requires patience and conscious effort. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, taking a break, doing creativity exercises, and seeking inspiration can help generate new ideas and get the creative flow going again. With regular practice, you can overcome creative blockage and tap into your creativity.